sunday brunch at SPACE

last month kicked off the first sunday brunch, the newest gathering around our communal table at SPACE. guest chefs, jo anne and jeffrey served up a beautiful strawberry beet salad alongside their savory buckwheat crepes. mmmm....

looking forward to many a sunday brunch to come. if you are in or around seoul and are interested in being a guest chef at SPACE, we'd love to hear from you! 


  1. JESS!
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! Your new blog design! This brunch looks incredible! How often will you be having these Sunday brunches? I would LOVE to come... and maybe even cook up a little something sometime.

  2. thank you meg! of course, jill had a lot to do with my blog's makeover... she's so wonderful ;)

    we've got a Saturday lunch planned this weekend and will definitely be having more after we move to our new location next month. we'd LOVE to have you come up and cook with us! are you planning to be in seoul anytime soon?

  3. Great!
    I was planning on going up to Seoul this Spring! I'm so excited to see SPACE.
    Congrats on moving to the new location!

  4. fantastic! spring is the perfect time. just let us know when you're planning to come up and we'll be waiting for you :)


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